I'm exactly 3.5 years old today.
Just to put on record, I've stopped being breastfed for almost 3 months.
Mummy's thyroid disorder was getting out of control.
She thinks it's due to my 2 hospital stays and having to run to and fro hospital and school hence causing stress level to increase.
Anyway, Doc suggested her to switch medication which means she can no longer use the more bf-friendly PTU.
She's since switched to less bf-friendly Thyrozol.
It is also not advisable to get pregnant while on this medication cos Thyrozol has adverse effects on the fetus. so stop asking her when is the 2nd one coming or why she doesn't want to have another child.
Just to put on record, I've stopped being breastfed for almost 3 months.
Mummy's thyroid disorder was getting out of control.
She thinks it's due to my 2 hospital stays and having to run to and fro hospital and school hence causing stress level to increase.
Anyway, Doc suggested her to switch medication which means she can no longer use the more bf-friendly PTU.
She's since switched to less bf-friendly Thyrozol.
It is also not advisable to get pregnant while on this medication cos Thyrozol has adverse effects on the fetus. so stop asking her when is the 2nd one coming or why she doesn't want to have another child.
check out my funny hair.
So I've been breastfed for 3 years 3 months and 4 days.
I am an understanding "baby" and didn't fuss much after we stopped breastfeeding.
My parents explained the situation to me and gave me a deadline to stop bf.
It was National Day, 09 August 2009.
We were to stop after watching the National Day Parade, they told me.
and so we did.
Amazingly, even now after 3 months of not breastfeeding, Mummy still has milk, though very little.
in the 1st two months, she still has let-down hence staining her shirt a little when she carries me.
it's as if, she can go back to bf anytime if she wants.
"Christmas time then can drink nainai (breastmilk)?" I had asked her one day.
She laughed.
Regrettably, the answer was no.
Having 1 child or many children has pros n cons...... enjoy your quality one ! I hv one by choice n no regrets till now, though many hv asked me to hv 2nd one cuz of how my 1st one has turned out ( so silly n lame reason to hv more cuz of how well the 1st one has turned out ) but the answer is still NO... 1 quality one is enuff :)
ENjoy Hann :) He is such an adorable boy !
take care of your own health first then plans for 2nd one...i have been having fast heartbeat as well, think we teachers tend to get stress up, and all sorts of problems...sigh. checked for thyroid but dun have that, so dunno how come, maybe its due to stress...
not easy to be a teacher nowadays.
anyway, i want to salute u for breastfeeding hann for so long. he will be very very healthy and all diseases resistance when he grows up...
but now still sick very often. sad.
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