Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Three Little Pigs 三只小猪

The Three Little Pigs (Mandarin)
(3 years old and up)
4-14 Jul 2013 

Mummy doesn't like all fairy tales but this is one which she likes cos it promotes good values such as "there is not shortcut in life". 

Also quite hard to find chinese children's theatre so don't miss this Mandarin version of the original
sold-out run of the English production in 2012.

Hurry! tickets are running out fast!

 My cousin's 1st time to the theatres.

Hann (7 years old)'s Review: 
I like the show though I don't understand the songs and dialogue. It's in Chinese!!

Jade (3 years old)'s Review: 
I like the show but got the 大狼 leh. if got the 大狼, I don't like. I love the singing especially the song "找一个家“
Mummy's Review:
Very entertaining and fun. Lovely songs, impressive backdrops/ props. 

Warning: younger children might find the Big Bad Wolf scary though a mummy-friend comment that she loves the funny and handsome wolf.
Three-year-old Jade was very fearful of the Big Bad Wolf (大狼) but managed to get thru' his 1st appearance. When he started to huff and puff, I had to bring her outside cos she is very frigthened.

Contrary to the traditional 3 little pigs' story, the 1st two pigs built their houses with straw and sticks not because they were lazy but because they were ill-informed or not knowledgable enough. 
Sadly, the message "there is not shortcut in life" is not clearly presented in this musical, if they did wanted to portray this in the 1st place.
I thought hard about what is the moral of the story in this musical and came up with 2:
1. staying together as a family is better than being alone,
2. read more so that you can make good decisions.
Unfortunately, none of my 2 kids picked up any of these.

This post was 1st published on 3/27/13


trishie said...

Love the story of the 3 little pigs too. Teaches us not to be lazy!

PS: I am hosting a Bits of Brit giveaway currently(open to Singapore residents only), so I really hope you will enter:

kkf said...

we are going!