Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry CHRISTmas!

Merry CHRISTmas!, originally uploaded by lastboltnut.
~ taken by my papa at the Auckland's Santa Parade 09.

Yup. CHRISTmas is about Christ.

It's the celebration of Jesus Christ's birthday.

In the mist of giving and receiving presents, have you accepted the biggest present of all? prepared for you by God, waiting for you to unwrap...

Jesus is God's present for you.

Jesus said that "...I have come that they (i.e. you and I) may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)

Check out God's present for you this CHRISTmas.


kkf said...

merry christmas to you and your family too!

kkf said...

btw, can ur mummy teach me how to use the glenn doman cards? haha.cause i really have no idea at all...just flash flash flash is it?

Hann Hann said...

ha. yah. sort of just flash flash. but they've got some kinda sequence. You should read Glenn Doman's book.

if you don't want to buy, u can get it from the library.